Friday, October 12, 2007

Besok hari raya....! Besok hari raya...! BESOK HARI RAYA...!

Can you believe it??

Time really flies, no?

Since I'm off today, I have a lot of cleaning up to do...

And I have to wash the kebaya that I'm gona wear tomorrow (bau kedai la!)...

And and help my mum before she complains that she's the only one doing the cooking...

And and and....! I haven't even shower yet! *grins*

Some random pictures for you to enjoy....

That fatty bom bom's last day
on the extreme left...

New faces everytime... sigh

That serenity look on his face..
More like that protesting
monks in Myanmar...
Wahaha... Joking b...
Muackz! =)

Yes I miss this bozo of mine..
Look on his head... There's
two tiny horns growing... =p

Before I go I'd like to extend my deepest and warmest apologies to everyone who's been reading my blog... Man, it feels so awkward apologizing in English!

Let me rephrase that...

*clears throat*

Sempena bulan yang mulia ini, izinkan saya menyusun jari meminta ampun dan maaf sekiranya telah terkasar bahasa atau menyindir mana-mana pihak... Sesungguhnya diri ini hanya insan biasa yang tidak akan belajar jikalau tidak membuat kesilapan (ceh.. macam faham!)... Dengan ini saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir dan batin... Semoga berbahagia disamping orang tersayang...

Sekian... Selamat berbuka...

Eh salah la...! *blushes*

Ok now time to bush bush...! =)

p/s: Kakak just reminded me yesterday not to sleep when going visiting.. I'll try my very best to stay awake.. And maybe I'll stash in some matchsticks in my bag just in case... *winks*

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