We chilled, ate, chat, watched Game Plan and snapped here and there!
Used to be fingers but now feet fetish!
Man & Lyn...
Though I told Lyn at the very
last minute & they were there only for
a while, still appreciate your
attendance... =) From a different angle...
The 20c that we paid was worth it!
Oh ya! Excuse me while I interrupt... *ehems*
While waiting for like forever for Syaz at the entrance of Isetan Scotts (I called her to confirm her whereabouts), this was the conversation between Sab, Lina and me :
Sab: Mana sak Syaz?? *looks distressed*
Me: Dia on the way la.
Lina: Daripada tadi aku dengar on the way tapi tak sampai2 pon.
Me: Dengar-dengar Borders kat Jurong...
Lina: Hehehehehehehehe..... Siak ah ko!
The end...
Back for more pictures!!! =)
The lights are blinding me!!!
Dates ain't complete without toilet pictures!
"I'm-so-in-love-with-Johnny Depp-and
The Rock..... (the list goes on)" =)
Lina did you just land on the
moon or something? Just
look at your feet on this picture
& the one above, you'll get
what I mean... =)
Game Plan was freakingly hilarious!!! Couldn't stop laughing...
Was wishing that the night wouldn't end that fast... But dua ekor kambing tu ade hal masing2 la kan... Hmmph!
Well niwaez it was fun dating with you girls.... Did I just mention the word "fun" again?
To those who couldn't turn up or wasn't informed at all about the date, that's ok and we're really sorry for not telling you about it...
Bak kata pepatah Sab:
"Try again next year!!"
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