Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
totally unexpected!
I was happily msn-ing with Lyn when my aunt asked who ordered pizza...
I then made my way out of the room and passed the money to my Dad...
A few minutes later I received messages from someone...
(No edits were done to the following messages that we exchanged)
91145621: Hi, azwan here... Juz feel interested to get to noe u...
Me: Azwan hu? N wher did u gt my no?
91145621: Firstly,Is it ok to get to noe u tak?
Me: U ans my qn 1st
91145621: Actually i'm the one who sent the pizza 10min ago..
(For a moment I didn't reply to that message)
91145621: Is it ok wif u tak?If not i'm truly sorry 2 bother u...
(By this time, the whole family knows about it including B, too...)
Me: Sempat eh nk knal2 tym bt dlivery? Fyi im gtin married in 2daez tym... Nice try niwaez...
91145621: Its k..Btw slamat pengantin baru in advance 2 u wati...
Haha! In your face!!!
Padanlah dia cui2 bila aku keluar bilik! Ayah da depan mata pon nak tengok2!
Niwaez I purposely typed out his number just in case his girlfriend, scandal or whoever bloghopped to my blog and saw his number...
So now you know what your boyfriend's been up to... =)
ideas, ideas
I helped myself to all your pictures from your respective Friendster/Blog accounts...
Clever, eh?
Hope you guys don't mind, though...
counting down the days
So this is how my room looks like now... Ignore the bed coz my mum just removed my very bright red quilt to have it washed!
HAPPY 20years 10months TO ME!!!
Andand 18 more days to B's big day!
Hmmmmmmmm....... =)
p/s: To my lovely chicaz I'm free on 2Jan but after work, that is... LINA GO SPREAD THE WORD!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
go shorty it's your birthday!
birthday gift...
. . . . . . . .
Meanwhile at work...

The most popular with customers... =)

tummy of his...
Thank you Cecilia for the very
early Xmas gift!

p/s: Say "bye-bye" to Gucci card case and "hello" to something else... Something cheaper, that is.. =)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
part 2
The younger brother feeling
his birthday yang da "terlepas"...
From left: Along (Sufyan), Shakir,
Safwan & Nurul...
They had to be this kecoh before
taking this picture...
. After taking this, I then realised that
there were 2-3 others at the right
side... Sorry guys! =)
Then this little girl here liked it when
my brother imitates all the
funny noises she made...
Time to MANDI!!! =)
The "mentel" girl!!!
Oh by the way...
THANK YOU BIBIK for lending me your baju kurong (siap ngan necklace sekali)...
part 1
Though it doesn't really have that festive feeling, you still get to eat good food and meet all your family members...
And today is not just about celebrating Aidiladha but my cousin's birthday as well...
HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY TO SAFWAN!!! (if i recall his age correctly)
As if to remind myself, my brother's birthday is in two days time! (Nak PSP konon, le tinggal satu rumah dengan "abang ipar" ko! keke..)
Oh and msn-ed with my chicaz yesterday... We were actually planning on our date...
As usual, I had to come up with all the plans and everything...
Da fed-upnye pasal, I suggested that we go to Saby's place... This was the conversation between me and Lyn...
Me: Senang kate lek kt uma sab suda!
Lyn: Beh tak kai underwear..
Me: Haha
Me: Sih ingt eh ko?
Lyn: Pe tak die blg smue orang!
Me: Hahahaha
That was way back in ITE when we had to finish up our projects.. Sab was in her pjs (re: baju mak2 mcm baju butterfly gitu)... Then she sat down on the table and told everyone that she didn't wear her knickers!
So whoever said that Britney Spears followed Paris Hilton going pantyless?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I need that for kendarat la...
Monday, December 17, 2007
My comp had to die on me...
And coz of that, I had to reboot the system...
Gone are all the songs, pictures and whatnots... Have to start from scratch!
Well niwaez, work has been great (as if!)...
Oh and in the spirit of Christmas (which I obviously am not looking forward to), we had to wear this...


AND lastly, this...

Atleast the last picture isn't that bad... =)
p/s: Nothing.... Just wana fill up the space... =p
Saturday, December 08, 2007
take photo, take photo!
Just wana show you guys our uniforms la... Hehe..
Niwaez the guys just got their new uniforms and I swear they all look so SUAVE!
Cair aku buat seketika... Haha!
Sorry if the pictures are a bit blurrish...
This girl was supposed to wear her shorts!
Rihanna-style! =)
A bit "senget" la the lines...
From left: Kevin, Jia Sheng, Spiky & Lucien...
nothing beats these bunch of people!!!

I miss them sooo much!! *sigh*
And I miss the boutique shoe area!! All the memories...
And and look at my hair!!! =)
By the way, go check out our new Topshop, Topman and Dorothy Perkins at RAFFLES CITY!!
I heard it's exactly opposite River Island! Uuuuuhhh...
Major competitor.. I LOIKE!!
p/s: Gona be another cam-whoring session tonight... Hopefully full strength!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Just look at that rosy and chubby cheeks of hers!
By the way... I dread school holidays!
All the YPs (re: YOUNG PESTS!) will roam about with their irritating multi coloured hair and coloured skinnies that could literally blind you!
And and...
Couples who show P.D.A right in front of my face!!
There's this bloody thing called "park", "hotel" and "home"!!!
Not jealous or anything but please la I'm not paid to watch that "show" of yours...
Just keep that affectionate or passionate side of yours to your bloody self!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
super duper supper
Monday, December 03, 2007
dang the bangs!
It's obstructing my view and soo the very the rimas la! (Took such a long time to finally realize that!)
Niwaez it's my off day today...
Escaping from the Monday blues at work...
I'm BORED!!! With no where to go and nothing to do....
So how? =(
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Me being curious, I opened the door and there she was sitting on her "Mercedez Benz" or whatever fancy brand she wants to call it... =)

My colleagues wanted to snap a picture of her too, when the mom said: "Just don't sell it, guys..." Haha..
My fever has subsided but my cough is making me feel terrible man... My chest just hurts after coughing... And coz of the constant "uhuk-uhuk", now my voice is sooo the very sexy! Paling hot gitu lho! Hehe..
And oh!
There's a "Ratatouille" in the shop...
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Norsiah Bte Muslim!!!
May you have a blessful year ahead and did I just hear a third one coming?..... =)
I think I'm sick!
Been coughing and having blocked nose for 2 days already...
And I don't sleep well coz I'd suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, sweating like a pig...
B's sick, too... Sehati sejiwa la kan... =)
No choice but to take that never-will-work-but-I'll-eat-it-anyways Panadol to ease whatever that I'm feeling right now...