Cam-whoring session after work yesterday...
Just wana show you guys our uniforms la... Hehe..
Just wana show you guys our uniforms la... Hehe..
Niwaez the guys just got their new uniforms and I swear they all look so SUAVE!
Cair aku buat seketika... Haha!
Sorry if the pictures are a bit blurrish...
This girl was supposed to wear her shorts!
Rihanna-style! =)
A bit "senget" la the lines...
From left: Kevin, Jia Sheng, Spiky & Lucien...
nothing beats these bunch of people!!!

I miss them sooo much!! *sigh*
And I miss the boutique shoe area!! All the memories...
And and look at my hair!!! =)
By the way, go check out our new Topshop, Topman and Dorothy Perkins at RAFFLES CITY!!
I heard it's exactly opposite River Island! Uuuuuhhh...
Major competitor.. I LOIKE!!
p/s: Gona be another cam-whoring session tonight... Hopefully full strength!
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