Gona miss you guys truckloads! Serious shit! All those butt pinching, ass grabbing, silly jokes and whatnots... Anyways I wish you all the best for your studies in Poly or wherever the hell you guys are gona study... For Junwei, all the best for your NS... Do keep in touch through msn or blog ok? :)
By the way received this text from Lucien:
"Hey.. Thank you ALL for all the memories. Wow half a year passed and it only seems like a day.. Sigh.. Would miss EVERY SINGLE one of you. Take care and we MUST meet soon :) I've enjoyed every second with you ALL :) :)"
I'm gona miss you too SLUT!
Here are some pictures taken today...

exactly like a WIG!

Cam-whoring using my

Meet Vivien...

I don't know the reason why we took
this picture at the knickers area...


Party like a rockstar!


Joko slipped & fell while trying
to catch Kevin!
Tsk, tsk! Joko's really dumb
running on wet floor...

bought from FCUK, Haszirah ;)
By the way....

card & the MERCI chocs you gave us...

Ferrero Rochers! My B ate 3! The evidence
is on that picture! ;)
. . . . . . . .
Meanwhile over at BK Downtown East...
Guests were told to wear according to the theme which was "Cartoon Character"...
Shakir aka Snow White???
Wonder which cartoon character they were
imitating... *wonders*
picture Ayah look like ME!
Anak sape je... *winks*
Best dress goes to...
Power Ranger...!
Mr Handy Man...!
Snow White!!!!!!
he was trying too hard to imitate
Jerry from Tom & Jerry show...
TEET! Next please!
And not forgetting...

the lovely picture of us...
Gambar time zaman jepon sak!
But I still LOVE it very much!
Till then...
