Saturday, February 16, 2008

B and me don't really celebrate Valentine's Day but on that day I got a shock of my life! (More about that later on in my post...)

Well we went to Plaza Singapura to watch the highly anticipated movie P.S. I Love You... We collected our tickets that B had already booked the night before... Then we received this coupon which lets us redeem a popcorn set... He asked me whether I wanted to redeem the coupon now and I told him it's too early and besides I've not had my dinner yet..

So off we went to McDonald's to get my dinner (re: "My dinner" coz he had already eaten at home, and he still had the cheek to ask me whether or not my Mum cooked... That goes to show that after 5 years+ he still don't know that I'd prefer to eat with him than eating at home! Hmmph!)

Anyways, after my dinner, we went up the lift... There were two other couples and B and me had this conversation:

Me: Semua orang dapat bunga tapi I tak dapat pape pon...
B: (He just smiled, most probably he was ignoring me)
Me: Tapi takpela atleast I pakai baju ade bunge2...

Once we reached the top floor, cinema area...

Me: You nak redeem popcorn?
B: Mestila I da bayar tau!
Me: (wonders, then passes the coupon to him) Nah you da bayar kan? You gi redeem la!
B: You gi la...

Went up to the counter and showed the person the coupon...

After receiving the drink and popcorn, we were still standing there and I was wondering what else we were waiting for... Then that person handed me a stalk of rose... Then I was like "Oh, thank you!"

B: Beh tak tau nak cakap pape ah?
Me: Oh, so you belikan I ah? THANK YOU!
B: Bozo!


K nuff of the "drama"...

Well the movie was worth the wait... Just by watching the start could leave you drowning in tears... It was really funny plus heart-wrenching... I rate this movie 8.5 popcorns! Go watch it!
By the way...

A belated HAPPY 5 YEARS 9 MONTHS B!!!

Sorry I didn't get to wish you yesterday... Was really tired and sleepy that I just had to sleep in early...

Hope you have fun duty-ing for Chingay today! ;)


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