*Warning: This post is full of pictures. Strictly not for those who are picture-intolerant (whatever that means)!
We've planned way ahead to celebrate this special day one day in advance (as I had to work on the actual day, how irritating!) and we picked Singapore Zoological Garden as our preferred "honeymoon" destination.. Woke up to a very gloomy weather and to my surprise it didn't dampened my excitedness to go "visiting" B's "relatives".. Not a single bit!
So we met in bus 25 (yes, IN the bus!) and proceed all the way to Ang Mo Kio as there's a straight bus to the Zoo from there. And boy was that boy excited about what I got for him! Dalam bus jugakla dia nak tengok tu present! And I seriously DID NOT expect him to buy me that Casio watch coz he always say that he's on a tight budget and all.. Guess 6 years together has made our minds think like how the other thinks.. Bak kata pepatah "Great minds think alike".. ;)
Had lunch over at McD's, and told each other how, when and where we got the gifts.. I think Im'ma start buying stuff for birthdays, anniversaries or whatever special occasions at Mustafa coz they're selling all the stuff at a much much cheaper price! Heart pain y'know when B told me the price of that Emporio Armani watch in Mustafa! Hmph!
Anyways, after having our lunch, we headed to AMK Hub to kill some time and B nearly wanted to ditch our plan and go watch a movie instead BUT I've been looking forward to go there and there's no way that we're giving in to the rain that was pouring outside!
When we finally reached the Zoo, our pictures were taken by the friendly workers. Felt like a super star like that! We were given a map (which B lost it halfway through) and off we go! Oh and we were walking at this kinda like a very forest-y place and B freaked out when this piece of dying leaf fell on the ground! No wonder he's in Police instead of in the Army.. *giggles*
I think I'll let the pictures do the talking..
Me: Asal you amek gambar cam gitu?
B: Malu lah..
B: Asek pose cam Wonder Woman je..
Me: Beh nak camne?
Thus, this pose..
After looking at the monkeys, it started to pour again!
What luck!
I've ever wrote a short compo about cheetah
during Pri. Sch. & even won first place!
Mentang-mentangla tinggi, nak pose ngan giraffe!
Gary: Meow!
Doesn't look the least "gila" to me..
teaching in Yuying Sec!
shocked so he decided to...
Me: I won't buy you new slippers! *winks*
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