Last night, Ira came over moments before we were about to do closing. And she brought with her this.....
Suddenly I feel like it's Hari Raya.. *giggles* But seriously, her chocolate cornflakes are really orgasmic and to die for! I've already interviewed her for her secret recipe so maybe I'll try doing some for Hari Raya (Ceh Kak Wati nak berbaking-baking la!)..
Anyways, after we were done, it was, of course camwhore session! Please pardon the oily and sleepy faces.. ;)
Really gona miss the part-timers especially you, Ira! Come fasting month, it'll only be Kakak and myself. This part no comments.. *sigh* Khai's already counting down the days he have left working with us.. Why is it that time passes really fast nowadays??
Oh! I was bloghopping just now when I chanced upon this.
I have four words....
*giggles like a dog*
Though the video's not that clear, I think the one in white singlet and red hotpants did some performances back when I was in ITE. He's probably one of the students in Bishan, or was he from another campus? Korang ingat tak kawan-kawan? ;)
Let me end this entry with something cute.. I guess you all know this cutie-pie. She got famous from the One Minute of Fame show (I think). Heh! Watch this.
p/s I miss my boyfriend, even though we just spoke minutes ago but still IMISSHIM! :(
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