Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy 2009!

happy new year Pictures, Images and Photos

In another 21 minutes, we'll be celebrating the arrival of 2009.

While everyone else are enjoying their day, here I am, just got back from my pathetic work, blogging away while watching tv. Just great! I meant it sarcastically, of course.

Had a pretty rough start at work today coz I undercharged a customer again! This is like the third time this month and I seriously don't know what's happening to me. This sucks to the max man! Urgh!

To make matters worst, it's supposed to be B's first off day today but he had to go on duty. Now he's "happily" (more like sleepily I guess) making his rounds at Zouk area. Atleast he gets to count down out of home. Bleargh! :/

Alright let's put my miseries aside, here's wishing everyone out there a very HAPPY NEW YEAR & may you have a properous year ahead.

Till then, have a good night! For those who are working tomorrow, please go home now! *giggles*


Sunday, December 28, 2008

all in a day's work

Went over to Mat Noh's house this morning with Kakak, Cecilia, Licco, Min and Soffhian. It was his solemnization day but since we were working, we could only afford to come before the event started. Anyways, many congrats to him and his partner for this joyous occassion. May they have a blissful marriage ahead. And as what Marco says "May you have a marriage memories!". *giggles*

Then during break, Roxanne and her baby, Brianna (did I get the spelling right?), paid us a visit. Her baby's really cute and she looks exactly like Melvin! Didn't manage to snap a picture with Roxanne though, since we were too busy entertaining the baby and at the same time doing some catching up. We'll meet up real soon over dinner alright, Roxy? ;)

I'm sooo looking forward to tomorrow's movie date with B! It's been so long seh. ;)

Till then, have a great night!

By the way, HAPPY BELATED 21st 10months TO ME!

Friday, December 26, 2008

counting down

Five more days before 2008 ends. Came up with some new year resolutions. I've not had any for the past years so I think it's time to make one. Atleast I'd know I have goals to achieve. So here goes...

Wati's New Year Resolutions:
  • Save money every month WITHOUT FAIL - I seriously need to be consistent in my savings and I have this bad habit of using up my savings once my main account depletes. Tsktsktsk!

  • Learn to manage my time better - I'm sure B would agree on this. My lateness can stretch to almost 1/2 an hour when it comes to getting ready to go out. And no more dilly-dallying!

  • Make my bed everytime I get up from sleep - Haha! I soo have to work on this part. A very easy task indeed but I have this mindset that when you sleep it'll get messy again so what's the point? Come 2009 this mindset gotta go! ;)

  • Spend less on material things - I just can't stop shopping especially in Topshop and Topman! Everytime there's new arrivals, I'd be the first to reserve! Baaad habit!

    I think that should be all. I'd add more when I can think of any. Till then, have a good night. Toodles!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

tis the season to be jolly

A very Merry Xmas to those who celebrate this occasion!

This morning, I had to drag my feet to work (luckily Ayah sent me), when everyone else was still sleeping. Everyone else except those who had nothing to do and came in bright and early to SHOP! Sucks to work in retail line when it comes to holidays and whatnots! I even missed the trip to Jurong Bird Park with the maternal family! Sucks sucks sucks! URGH!!!

Anyways, today was the day everyone was looking forward to. We exchanged gifts and while some liked what they got, some just weren't thankful enough. I just wonder why this kinda people still exists. Let me ask you a question. How would you react when a person received your gift (by drawing lots), unwrapped it (only to find a photoframe) and gave sarcastic remarks like "I don't like to take pictures eh." and "I also don't have any girlfriend."? Seriously, how would you feel AND react? Damn ridiculous, I tell you. Mintak kene tembak ngan senapang gajah! Bozo!

Alright I'm done ranting. I'm feeling very tired and sleepy so enjoy the pics yeah!

Flabby arms alert! That's Crystal, who admits to
admiring B! Kwang3! ;)

p/s Mat Noh's getting married this weekend! How exciting! ;)

Monday, December 22, 2008

pictures (edited)

Hey ho!

Couldn't get up from bed this morning. Was soo freaking tired I could barely open my eyes! As a result I was 15minutes late for work. Syabas! Naseb baik Kakak pagi. Hehe.

Anyways, as promised click here to view pictures of Amri & Aishah's wedding.

Siapa nak dapat gubahan periuk blangah (pots and pans) on their wedding day? Please proceed to queue up infront of Nur Hizami's house, ya?

*hatiku berbisik* Kurang asamnye matair! Pui!

And by the way, Ayah said if you're gona give me the above items, duit hantaran $25k k? Thank you very nice! ;)

And before I forget, HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY TO SHUKRY!

p/s After hearing stories of the wedding preparation, suddenly I froze. So much money involved, I don't know where to begin. Rambut boleh botak seh fikirkan pasal duit.. But one thing I've learnt from this experience, NEVER EVER rely on your parents. It's your own wedding so pandai-pandai nak kawin, pandai-pandailah ko simpan duit sendiri. Tapi ni semua lama agikla kan.. Hehe.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Congratulations to the newly weds Amri & Aishah!

More updates tomorrow. Can barely keep my eyes open now. ;)

Friday, December 19, 2008

a quickie

As soon as I got home from work, I wasted no time in cleaning up my room. It's a helluva mess, I tell you! I'm like halfway done and here I am blogging. Couldn't resist la! *giggles*

Alright, just a quick update. Gona accompany Mak and the brothers to Shukry's school and I have a feeling that it's gona be a long and dreadful day. Speaking of which, I should be asleep by now since we have to be there by 8.30am but I guess sleep can wait. Macam faham jek! LOL. Oh by the way, he's gona start school in Bedok North. He refused to go to Yuying even though it's the nearest coz the school SUCKS! Haha. But hey, I was from there and I must admit I hafta agree on this. For once, my brother's making a great choice NOT to choose a matrep-minahrep infested school. Great job, bro!

Moving on, Amri's solemnization, is in a day's time. I just hope that everything will run smoothly. They've already set up the base of the dais last night and I can't wait to see how the pelamin looks like. Maybe I can get some inspirations for the future. *giggles*

Disclaimer - If you happen to see me on the day of Amri's wedding, please refrain from asking when's my turn. I will be more than glad to answer your question with a smile that's as fake as your Coach handbag. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, thank you!


Sunday, December 14, 2008

a story about me

Siti Kus membesar dengan penuh kasih sayang kerana dialah satu-satunya cahaya mata ibu bapanya. Dia amat cerdas dan cantik seperti ibunya. Namun begitu, masih ada yang membelenggu fikiran Ahmad. "Apa yang Abang termenungkan?", Siti menegur. "Tak ada apa-apalah, Nab. Cuma.. ti kus kan dah 6 tahun. Tahun depan dah nak masuk Darjah 1. (Orang gunung pon blaja tau!). Abang tak rasa pendapatan Abang seorang sebagai pemburu akan cukup untuk menampung perbelanjaan rumah.". Jawab Ahmad, jelas kelihatan rasa risau di raut wajahnya. "Hmm...betul tu. Nab pun ada fikirkan juga. Haritu masa tengah tengok rainbow kat luar tingkap, terpandang Gunung jiran kita. With my IT skills I learnt in RP (WATT!!), I want to open up a cybercafe there." Jelas Siti Jenab.

5 bulan kemudian, Cybercafe 'Jen and Kuch' telahpun mendapat sambutan hangat dari penduduk-penduduk gunung. Begitu juga dengan Mountaineers. Siti Kus sering berulang-alik dari hutan untuk menemani bapanya memburu, atau ke Cybercafe selepas sekolah. Bapanya lebih suka dia di kedai sahaja kerana setiap kali dia ikut ke hutan, dia akan bermain kejar-kejar pula dengan harimau atau rusa yang hendak diburu bapanya. Ti Kus memang suka dengan binatang! Ini kan menyusahkan kerja memburu, jadi Ahmad membuatkan buaian di pokok agar Ti Kus leka. Begitulah ketiga-tiga beranak itu seharian sehinggalah Siti Kus pun meningkat dewasa.


Siti Kus tidak lagi menggangu bapanya memburu. Dia telah menggantikan ibunya menjadi bos di Cybercafe 'Jen and Kuch', yang kini menjadi hotspot bagi para mountaineers dari merata negera. Sampai masuk Straits Times seh! Dalam diam, rupanya seorang mountaineer bernama Dol Lah Botak Li Chen yang berasal dari negeri Cina tetapi menetap di Pulau Ubin menaruh hati kepada Ti Kus yang cantik molek.

Dia sudah terlalu sering ke kedai tersebut kerana amat gilakan mountaineering dan Siti Kus. Termasuk ini, dah 10 kali tau! Ti Kus juga minat pada DolBo (nama manja) tapi sebagai wanita, dia hanya menunggu. "Mama cakap dulu Papa made the first move." Cheydebah. Suatu hari, Dolbo telah memberanikan diri dan memberi sekeping nota kepada Ti Kus melalui kawan baiknya, Wati Ayam.

Wati Ayam lalu memberikan kepada Siti Kus dengan *nudge nudge, wink wink*. Ti Kus membaca, "Awak, awak. Jumpa kat bawah gunung ok?". Short and sweet. Tau tak apa jadi? Mereka tak berjumpa... kerana Dolbo selenge tak letak pukul berapa nak jumpa. -___- Bagaimanapun, keesokkan harinya, mereka bertembung di atas titian menuju ke arah Cybercafe. Maka cinta pun berputik dari situ..(Ya Allah, clichenye!)

Pada tanggal 14 Februari (saje date ni), Dolbo meet-the-parents. Ibu Siti Kus amat berkenan dengan Dollah kerana dia dulu pernah minat seorang mountaineer sebelum Ahmad Kuching. Bagaimanapun, bapanya tidak setuju dengan cara hidup Dolbo. Dia takut jika anaknya nanti terpaksa naik turun gunung dan hidup sebagai nomad kelak. Dengan rahmat Tuhan, mereka akhirnya dikahwinkan juga.

Majlis persandingan pasangan itu amat meriah. Ia diadakan di tepi pantai dengan tema 'Seafood'. Dollah peminat besar makanan laut dan mengupah orang untuk menjahitkan baju lobster untuk dirinya, dan ikan duyung untuk Siti Kus. Ibu mertuanya dijahitkan baju ala ikan jerung siap dengan tudung biru."Hmm...Shark pun Shark lah. Asalkan rantai kapak dan gelang emas aku boleh nampak!" Sementara bapa mertuanya digayakan dengan baju ala sotong. "Kau ingat aku ni blur ke?!"(blur sotong, geddit?) Ahmad Kuching mendengus separuh dengar. Mengamuk dia! (tengok saja gambar!) Majlis berakhir dengan sesi suap-menyuap kek Udang Joget-Joget oleh kedua mempelai.


p/s Story created by Nisa, the girl who's jealous of my ayam-eating picture, hence the name Wati Ayam. Hehehehe

p/p/s Just when I thought that my flu is gone, it started to act up again. Irritating!


dead beat

I'm really sick and tired of work!!! Almost everyday we've to work OT. We can NEVER go back on time when working in the morning especially so when there's stocks and we have to come in at 8freaking AM and work till almost 7pm-ish (if we're down on staff). Binget tau!!! Thank god B has been really patient with the timing (he's waited for almost an hour for me to knock off from work for a couple of times!). And the weather has not been of much help either. Just yesterday I felt like having a cold but thank god (again!) for Panadol, it has helped quite a bit. Still feeling a lil heaty on my nose, though.

Work aside, I've just realised that we've already reached the middle of the month and days later we'll bid goodbye to 2008 and say hello to 2009. I guess it's true when they say that time flies really fast once you're in your 20s. And exactly 31 days from now, it'll be B's 22nd birthday! Anyways, HAPPY 21st 11mths B! Love you! :)

Alright gota go coz my stomach's rumbling already.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

underwater world

Underwater World was so much fun! Especially since we got the tickets for free... so it ought to be fun! ;)

For more pictures click here.

Enjoy and have a great night! ;)

Monday, December 08, 2008

at nyai's

Like always, my family was the first to arrive and the last one to go home. Though the time spent with the rest of the family members were short, we still enjoyed ourselves. Especially when it comes to taking pictures!

Ada je orang yang nak merosakkan filem!
But come to think of it, we're all using memory card!


When they're all gone... the camwhoring begins!

That's all for today.. Stay tuned for more updates tomorrow!

Till then, nitey-nite! ;)