Friday, December 26, 2008

counting down

Five more days before 2008 ends. Came up with some new year resolutions. I've not had any for the past years so I think it's time to make one. Atleast I'd know I have goals to achieve. So here goes...

Wati's New Year Resolutions:
  • Save money every month WITHOUT FAIL - I seriously need to be consistent in my savings and I have this bad habit of using up my savings once my main account depletes. Tsktsktsk!

  • Learn to manage my time better - I'm sure B would agree on this. My lateness can stretch to almost 1/2 an hour when it comes to getting ready to go out. And no more dilly-dallying!

  • Make my bed everytime I get up from sleep - Haha! I soo have to work on this part. A very easy task indeed but I have this mindset that when you sleep it'll get messy again so what's the point? Come 2009 this mindset gotta go! ;)

  • Spend less on material things - I just can't stop shopping especially in Topshop and Topman! Everytime there's new arrivals, I'd be the first to reserve! Baaad habit!

    I think that should be all. I'd add more when I can think of any. Till then, have a good night. Toodles!

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