Congrats to Karl and Tom on their engagement! ;)
Was supposed to meet the rest of them girls at 2.30pm but since red plate car can only be on road after 3pm, we reached Karl's crib at about 4ish. Sorry girls! Driver tau tengok map but tak tau navigate his way to the destination. Hehe.
Was supposed to meet the rest of them girls at 2.30pm but since red plate car can only be on road after 3pm, we reached Karl's crib at about 4ish. Sorry girls! Driver tau tengok map but tak tau navigate his way to the destination. Hehe.
I wish you guys all the best and I can't wait to see you on your wedding day! ;)
After which, we headed down to Hortpark. Really interesting to see all the beautiful flowers and the greenery surrounding us. But it would've been better if the weather wasn't that humid.
We quickly made our way back to the carpark and the intention was to go over to Vivo but we gave it a miss when we saw that the carpark was full.
Next up, was Changi Airport. We walked from Terminal 1 all the way to Terminal 2 just to find a place to eat. And just when I thought I could "ketok" B to eat at Earl Swensen's, there was a long queue. In fact, all the eateries seem to be full house. Beh semua bangsa dia.. Binget je! Tempat yang kita tak boleh makan, dorang conquer... Yang kita boleh makan.... Tak payah cakap la... Dorang lagi conquer! Senang kata semua tempatlah dorang nak conquer! Menyampah! In the end, we settled for Burger King. Datang jauh-jauh makan Burger King ehk? Chet!
Then, it was home sweet home. My feet was like aching and I even had blisters on both side of my second last toes. Note to self: Buy blister patch and foot sole gel when wearing heels.
Good night people! ;)
p/s Sometimes you just have to appreciate the littlest thing that people do. Just be thankful coz you might not get that chance the next time! ;)
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