I did enjoy myself today especially when I get to see the ex-colleagues after so long of not meeting (well, except for Farhan, that is). It was kinda like a mini reunion for us but it'll be waaaay better if Shariffi and Dzul were to join us. Confirm riuh sekampong! But too bad, masing-masing menghilangkan diri. Chet!
So to cut the long story short, Kakak went off early coz she had other places to go to. Sidetrack a little bit, Liyana's ex-boyfriend (Kakak's brother, refer to the picture below) was also invited to the wedding. I wonder how he felt seeing his ex-girlfriend getting hitched to another guy. And the funny thing was that, when we were all getting ready to go up the dais, the groom actually smiled and even shook hands with him! I guess this is what they call "fate". If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be.
Shortly after Ain (the star karat) had her fill and posed for a few pictures, we made a move. I still had to report to work right after so it was a bit rushing. B and I even managed to spend a little bit of time together before he sent me off to work.
Alright time to hit the sack now. So dead beat! Night people! ;)
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