Got a call from work while I was still in a deep slumber at noon.. Kakak told me to go to the office to collect signages for tomorrow's promotion.
Apparently, the graphics department had sent us the wrong signages.. So since I live sooo very the near office, I had to do them a favour and get them the correct signages.....
Why does it always have to be me?? Why do I have to stay sooo near to the office??? With this wet, cold and good-to-sleep-in kinda weather outside, I don't feel like going to the office just to get signages!
But who am I to complain, right? @#$%^&*!
Niwaez, today's the last day of Model Store. Melvin told me that it'll only take a couple of hours for the final touches... Goody! That means I won't have to take a cab home... YIPPEE!
Oh ya. About yesterday's Model Store, I totally ignored that cicak kobeng! In case you've already forgotten, it's that "K" I'm talking about.. The rest of the guys were like "Wah, Wati nari balik dengan K ah.. Dia bawak dua helmet tau.." and during break, "Wati mana K?"... When they saw him, they covered me from him....Haha.. What the hell la guys!
I'm gona be soo happy once we get this Model Store done and over with... Come to think of it, it's actually quite fun coz you don't have to go to work and serve customers! Hah! =)
Hmm... My back is killing me!! No, I don't have metals shivering inside me like Adek (hello, Adek!!), it's the time of the month la and I always get this stupid back ache.. I can neither sit nor stand for too long or else my back will threaten to break anytime soon...
Got to go la... Tatatititutu!
By the way...
Nothing, actually....
BYE! =)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Model Store started yesterday... DAMN boring I tell you!
By the time I reached Wisma, everyone was busy doing their own things... So me being me, I paced up and down between Topshop and Topman, talking to friends, browsing through the tops, not doing much.... Hehe... I'm the sort to do things right at the beginning. If I were to start in the middle, I'd be really lost... You know, LOST? =)
Well actually I just wana vent my frustrations about yesterday... There's this staff from Wisma, who's like soooooo "shiok sendiri".. Let me tell you about drama #1..
You remember I was telling you about the D&D thingy? This guy, let's just name him "K", told me to be his date for that particular day.
Hello?? This is a company function la! It's not some kinda small kid's Prom Night where you could ask the person you like to be your date?!
Drama #2
When all the Topman staff were about to go home, we chilled outside Topman for awhile.. "K" came up to me and said he wanted to send me home...
So "K" rides a TZM bike and he was telling me not to worry coz he's a safe rider and all... I was sitting there, smiling and listening to his nonsense... But the fact is, I was cursing him in my heart, praying that he would stop whatever shit that's coming from his mouth.. I think the rest of the guys sitting with me were all having the same thoughts I had... Coz once he's off, everyone came up to me and re-enact the whole stupid drama...
Now you tell me what the hell is he up to?? He's trying to be the "loverboy" here and please la... I'm not the kinda girl who's gona be head over heels for you! I simply don't understand this kinda guy... I mean...
Fact #1: He's not good looking!
Fact #2: He's freaking skinny! Skin and bones kinda skinny!
Fact #3: He likes to boast about what I also don't know!
Fact #4: He likes to flirt around like nobody's business!
Fact #5: He's a sweet-talker! His words are not sweet at all!!
Fact #6: I DON'T LIKE HIM!!!!!
Why do we have to have this kinda guy in this world?? I wonder out of the many people he knew, who would actually like him?? Hmmm...
Oh ya, I told b about "K" and that very night b dreamt that b was waiting for me after work and "K" confessed to me in front of b that he liked me... Then b said I walked away with "K"..
Pity b... He's so angry with "K" sampai terbawak2 kat mimpi.... Hehe... Don't worry la, b...
Today and tomorrow, I'm gona stick to my colleagues and totally ignore him! MUAHAHA!
Nuff said la eh?
I'm hungry... Toodles!
By the time I reached Wisma, everyone was busy doing their own things... So me being me, I paced up and down between Topshop and Topman, talking to friends, browsing through the tops, not doing much.... Hehe... I'm the sort to do things right at the beginning. If I were to start in the middle, I'd be really lost... You know, LOST? =)
Well actually I just wana vent my frustrations about yesterday... There's this staff from Wisma, who's like soooooo "shiok sendiri".. Let me tell you about drama #1..
You remember I was telling you about the D&D thingy? This guy, let's just name him "K", told me to be his date for that particular day.
Hello?? This is a company function la! It's not some kinda small kid's Prom Night where you could ask the person you like to be your date?!
Drama #2
When all the Topman staff were about to go home, we chilled outside Topman for awhile.. "K" came up to me and said he wanted to send me home...
So "K" rides a TZM bike and he was telling me not to worry coz he's a safe rider and all... I was sitting there, smiling and listening to his nonsense... But the fact is, I was cursing him in my heart, praying that he would stop whatever shit that's coming from his mouth.. I think the rest of the guys sitting with me were all having the same thoughts I had... Coz once he's off, everyone came up to me and re-enact the whole stupid drama...
Now you tell me what the hell is he up to?? He's trying to be the "loverboy" here and please la... I'm not the kinda girl who's gona be head over heels for you! I simply don't understand this kinda guy... I mean...
Fact #1: He's not good looking!
Fact #2: He's freaking skinny! Skin and bones kinda skinny!
Fact #3: He likes to boast about what I also don't know!
Fact #4: He likes to flirt around like nobody's business!
Fact #5: He's a sweet-talker! His words are not sweet at all!!
Fact #6: I DON'T LIKE HIM!!!!!
Why do we have to have this kinda guy in this world?? I wonder out of the many people he knew, who would actually like him?? Hmmm...
Oh ya, I told b about "K" and that very night b dreamt that b was waiting for me after work and "K" confessed to me in front of b that he liked me... Then b said I walked away with "K"..
Pity b... He's so angry with "K" sampai terbawak2 kat mimpi.... Hehe... Don't worry la, b...
I love you too much to love somebody else... You should know that I left someone just so that I could be with you... Whatever thing that this guy is up to, it won't change the feelings I have for you... You should know that... MMUACKZ! =)
Today and tomorrow, I'm gona stick to my colleagues and totally ignore him! MUAHAHA!
Nuff said la eh?
I'm hungry... Toodles!
Monday, August 27, 2007
The weather these past few days can be really unpredictable...
One moment it's raining heavily and the next, it's all bright and sunny again...
But it's good... Atleast it's not gloomy and raining all day long...
Nuff said about the weather...
Today's my off day... Yes yes.. A good way to start the week, ain't it? I won't have to experience the Monday Blues at work... =)
After work tomorrow, I'll be heading straight to Wisma for the Model Store... For the following two days, I won't have to go to work instead, head straight to Wisma at 8pm all the way till 2am... That's what I dread the most... What to do... It's already part of the job... So I have take it all in my stride...
By the way, Shah Jr told me the other day that the name list for those performing during D&D is yet to be confirmed... Now I'm praying real hard that my name won't be shortlisted... Hehe...
Next month's the start of Ramadhan... I still can't decide what colour to wear for Hari Raya this year! I've got no time to shop for cloth and whatsoever.. Guess I'll have to start my shopping on the first day or else I'd risk not getting my size!
Niwaez, do you think they'll open up the bazaar at Kampong Gelam like last year? Can't wait to savour all the delicious food there... Especially my favourite Dengdeng!! Yummy!
Talking about food, I have this itching craving for Seoul Garden! I don't know why... When I get my pay, I'm gona "blanja" my family (b included!) at Seoul Garden! Woohoo!
Oh ya before I go, let's enjoy this video since we're in the topic of food.. Taken on 17 February 2007 at Marina Square's Burger King....
p/s: To all my ITE friends, when's our date for buke puase? Suggestions, anyone?
One moment it's raining heavily and the next, it's all bright and sunny again...
But it's good... Atleast it's not gloomy and raining all day long...
Nuff said about the weather...
Today's my off day... Yes yes.. A good way to start the week, ain't it? I won't have to experience the Monday Blues at work... =)
After work tomorrow, I'll be heading straight to Wisma for the Model Store... For the following two days, I won't have to go to work instead, head straight to Wisma at 8pm all the way till 2am... That's what I dread the most... What to do... It's already part of the job... So I have take it all in my stride...
By the way, Shah Jr told me the other day that the name list for those performing during D&D is yet to be confirmed... Now I'm praying real hard that my name won't be shortlisted... Hehe...
Next month's the start of Ramadhan... I still can't decide what colour to wear for Hari Raya this year! I've got no time to shop for cloth and whatsoever.. Guess I'll have to start my shopping on the first day or else I'd risk not getting my size!
Niwaez, do you think they'll open up the bazaar at Kampong Gelam like last year? Can't wait to savour all the delicious food there... Especially my favourite Dengdeng!! Yummy!
Talking about food, I have this itching craving for Seoul Garden! I don't know why... When I get my pay, I'm gona "blanja" my family (b included!) at Seoul Garden! Woohoo!
Oh ya before I go, let's enjoy this video since we're in the topic of food.. Taken on 17 February 2007 at Marina Square's Burger King....
Specially dedicated to NUR HIZAMI BIN JOHARI and his love for french fries! =)
p/s: To all my ITE friends, when's our date for buke puase? Suggestions, anyone?
Friday, August 24, 2007
Got to know that my company's Annual Dinner and Dance is on 3 October 2007... This year's theme is "Back to School" (like BATA's slogan huahuahua)...!!
And guess what???
I've been selected to participate in the performance!!!
Wonder what the performance's theme is...??? Hopefully not like some "cabaret-style" like last year!! B's gona be furious if it is!!
Niwaez I've roped in Ain to perform as well so that I won't be too "left out" (clever, right? heez)... Our first meeting will be on Monday and our practice will be on every Mondays and Wednesdays...
Ok so performance thingy aside, let's talk about more serious stuff ya?
Melvin's sudden transfer to Parkway on Wednesday really really shocked me... Well, I didn't expect it to take place this soon and I was actually expecting him to go to other outlet, as in our going-to-be-opened-soon outlet.... It turns out that the trainee ASM at Parkway had been terminated for not doing her job well (shame on you!!)...
Sigh... I'm gona miss my "father"... He's done so much for Topshop/Topman Bugis and we're so used to sitting comfortably under his armpit (literally, that is)... He told me during Product Seminar today, that he's trying to appeal coz it's really not convenient for him travelling-wise... It nearly took him like 1 1/2 hours to travel to and from Parkway and the other thing is that he had to work full shift ever since he was transferred! Pity him... =( Hopefully he can adapt to the working environment at Parkway soon...
Model store is just around the corner la... I'm still cracking my head over how I'm supposed to go home on the 3 days... As I've said earlier, I can't be depending on my dad since he's working the next day... And I predict that I'm gona be very very broke till month end...
How?? How??? HOW????
Aiyah too stressed already!!
See you soon on KID'S CENTRAL!! =)
And guess what???
Wonder what the performance's theme is...??? Hopefully not like some "cabaret-style" like last year!! B's gona be furious if it is!!
Niwaez I've roped in Ain to perform as well so that I won't be too "left out" (clever, right? heez)... Our first meeting will be on Monday and our practice will be on every Mondays and Wednesdays...
Ok so performance thingy aside, let's talk about more serious stuff ya?
Melvin's sudden transfer to Parkway on Wednesday really really shocked me... Well, I didn't expect it to take place this soon and I was actually expecting him to go to other outlet, as in our going-to-be-opened-soon outlet.... It turns out that the trainee ASM at Parkway had been terminated for not doing her job well (shame on you!!)...
Sigh... I'm gona miss my "father"... He's done so much for Topshop/Topman Bugis and we're so used to sitting comfortably under his armpit (literally, that is)... He told me during Product Seminar today, that he's trying to appeal coz it's really not convenient for him travelling-wise... It nearly took him like 1 1/2 hours to travel to and from Parkway and the other thing is that he had to work full shift ever since he was transferred! Pity him... =( Hopefully he can adapt to the working environment at Parkway soon...
Model store is just around the corner la... I'm still cracking my head over how I'm supposed to go home on the 3 days... As I've said earlier, I can't be depending on my dad since he's working the next day... And I predict that I'm gona be very very broke till month end...
How?? How??? HOW????
Aiyah too stressed already!!
See you soon on KID'S CENTRAL!! =)
mmmuuaackz!! =)
mmmuuaackz!! =)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Nothing much to update.. Truth is, I'm too lazy to type so long a story... Heez...
I'll just give a summary, ok?
So, b's bike got "sick" on Saturday, and it refused to work whilst he was on his way to fetch me from work... Lucky for him, it didn't get him into any major accident... ;)
Remember I was telling you guys about how hectic this month's gona be? Well, to add in to the already hectic schedule, on Wednesday morning, I'm gona do stock-take at Ben Sherman (Kakak has a last minute VM thingy, so I'm replacing her...)
Friday, there'll be Product Seminar at 9am, in the office.
Not forgetting!......
I'll also be involved in the Model Store for THREE days!!
Yes! That's right!
28, 29 & 30!!!!
T-H-R-E-E F-R-E-A-K-I-N-G D-A-Y-S!!!
That means going home late.... Sleep deprivation... Body aches... Headaches... And all the aches you can think of... By then, I think I won't have the energy or even time to update...
Hectic, hectic....
On a lighter note, though...
More details in the next post to come... If I have the time, that is...
p/s: B, will you come back from jogging already?? I need love and affection!!
I'll just give a summary, ok?
So, b's bike got "sick" on Saturday, and it refused to work whilst he was on his way to fetch me from work... Lucky for him, it didn't get him into any major accident... ;)
Remember I was telling you guys about how hectic this month's gona be? Well, to add in to the already hectic schedule, on Wednesday morning, I'm gona do stock-take at Ben Sherman (Kakak has a last minute VM thingy, so I'm replacing her...)
Friday, there'll be Product Seminar at 9am, in the office.
Not forgetting!......
I'll also be involved in the Model Store for THREE days!!
Yes! That's right!
28, 29 & 30!!!!
T-H-R-E-E F-R-E-A-K-I-N-G D-A-Y-S!!!
That means going home late.... Sleep deprivation... Body aches... Headaches... And all the aches you can think of... By then, I think I won't have the energy or even time to update...
Hectic, hectic....
On a lighter note, though...
More details in the next post to come... If I have the time, that is...
p/s: B, will you come back from jogging already?? I need love and affection!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
I've been tagged by Adeq....
1) Each player must post these rules first.
2) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3) People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight facts and post these rules.
4) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Here are 8 random facts/habits about me:
1) I'm like an administrator stuck in retail line.
2) I like to daydream when alone.
3) I have a queen size bed but only sleep on one half of the bed (the other half has a "Reserved" sign on it!). =)
4) I can eat chicken rice/laksa/mee soto every day! My favourite, what can I say?
5) I cry at the slightest bit of emotionally-charged drama/movie/book.
6) I like to play pranks! BEWARE! =)
7) I wana take up driving licence but I'm afraid to drive! Hah!
8) I wana marry NUR HIZAMI BIN JOHARI!!! That's a proposal, b! *winkz*
I wanna tag these chosen ones : Nana, Fiqah, Wirda, SQ and Hidaya (I don't have that many friends who owns a blog, ok? )
Niwaez, I'm extremely bored (with a capital "B") ok.......................!!!
It's my off day today, and b won't be back till tomorrow...
And guess what?
I'll be working afternoon shift this weekend!!!!
Yes, that's right! TWO BLOODY DAYS OF AFTERNOON on Saturday and Sunday!
Have I got no life or what??
Hold on.....
Just let me sink in this anger of mine, ok?
Till then....
Which means......
I've been tagged by Adeq....
1) Each player must post these rules first.
2) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3) People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight facts and post these rules.
4) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Here are 8 random facts/habits about me:
1) I'm like an administrator stuck in retail line.
2) I like to daydream when alone.
3) I have a queen size bed but only sleep on one half of the bed (the other half has a "Reserved" sign on it!). =)
4) I can eat chicken rice/laksa/mee soto every day! My favourite, what can I say?
5) I cry at the slightest bit of emotionally-charged drama/movie/book.
6) I like to play pranks! BEWARE! =)
7) I wana take up driving licence but I'm afraid to drive! Hah!
8) I wana marry NUR HIZAMI BIN JOHARI!!! That's a proposal, b! *winkz*
I wanna tag these chosen ones : Nana, Fiqah, Wirda, SQ and Hidaya (I don't have that many friends who owns a blog, ok? )
Niwaez, I'm extremely bored (with a capital "B") ok.......................!!!
It's my off day today, and b won't be back till tomorrow...
And guess what?
I'll be working afternoon shift this weekend!!!!
Yes, that's right! TWO BLOODY DAYS OF AFTERNOON on Saturday and Sunday!
Have I got no life or what??
Hold on.....
Just let me sink in this anger of mine, ok?
Till then....
Which means......
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I'm missing

Too much, in fact!
I miss playing with his once long hair...
Clipping it with my hairclip...
Then taking pictures of him with clipped hair...
Now I like massaging his carpet-like but soft feel head...
I can go on forever, you know...
But I won't... Coz they say picture tells a thousand words....
Words to explain how much I miss him...
So here are all his pictures...
Enjoy! =)
His version of emo...
The next Usher...
With two left feet... =)
With two left feet... =)
The day that I nearly faint..
Thanks b, for being there
for me...
Thanks b, for being there
for me...
I gave him this when he
had an accident..
had an accident..
His birthday gift this
year - Fossil watch
year - Fossil watch
My birthday at Secret Recipe
Sexy! =)

Silly boy
Portable machine to perm
your hair with...
your hair with...
I finally found my Spidey!
5th year anniversary at Breeks
Him saying "Good night people
thanks for viewing my
not-so-glamorous pictures!"...
thanks for viewing my
not-so-glamorous pictures!"...
NIGHT2 B....
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
110807 Gathering with ISQ at Marina Square CHECK!
130807 Stock-take at my shop CHECK!
140807 Stock-take at Vivocity CHECK!
" VM project done and handed up (a day after dateline!) CHECK!
Sigh of relieve........ NOT YET!!
Now that I'm done with my project, I can sleep a little bit better... Didn't I already tell you that it'd be a hectic month for me??
Niwaez, about my project... I DID IT ALL ALONE!!!! Can you believe that?? My partner was hopeless!! She didn't even ask me about the progress of our project and didn't even offer to help!! On the day before our supposed dateline, she only asked me how much she needs to pay for the project items... That's all..... PARP!! Enough of project la k? For me it's now history...
Ok so now for the FUN part!!
Nuff said la k?
I want to sweet talk with B on the phone now =)
ISQ Gathering 110807
130807 Stock-take at my shop CHECK!
140807 Stock-take at Vivocity CHECK!
" VM project done and handed up (a day after dateline!) CHECK!
Sigh of relieve........ NOT YET!!
Now that I'm done with my project, I can sleep a little bit better... Didn't I already tell you that it'd be a hectic month for me??
Niwaez, about my project... I DID IT ALL ALONE!!!! Can you believe that?? My partner was hopeless!! She didn't even ask me about the progress of our project and didn't even offer to help!! On the day before our supposed dateline, she only asked me how much she needs to pay for the project items... That's all..... PARP!! Enough of project la k? For me it's now history...
Ok so now for the FUN part!!
Nuff said la k?
I want to sweet talk with B on the phone now =)
ISQ Gathering 110807
A little bit of chatting before
we start eating...
we start eating...
Dig in everyone!
B & me...
Food glorious food!
Yum yum!
Yum yum!
Syaz is so gay (erm, happy la)!
From left: SQ, Syaz, Nisa & Wirda
From left: Abg Jo (Jamil), Liza (Amin's gf),
Amin & Naz (still cute as ever!)
Amin & Naz (still cute as ever!)
Clockwise from left: Roger, Wee Siang,
B (otak =p), Me & SQ
B (otak =p), Me & SQ
Guess you already know the
names by now =)
names by now =)
Did I really have to bend
over? hehe...
over? hehe...
Don't we look round? The face I mean...
Finally we finished eating!
And I was talking on the phone
when they snapped this picture!!
And I was talking on the phone
when they snapped this picture!!
Me & Syaz
I was supposed to look scared
but ended up looking like I
was yawning...
but ended up looking like I
was yawning...
Syaz, Saby & Me
Naz going off... They say I look
pregnant in this top...
Whatever guys!
pregnant in this top...
Whatever guys!
Lyn's belated birthday cake from
That's Wani in tudung...
Smiley Shima... =)
Headless... On purpose!
Giant & Doreamon =)
Amalina & Saby
Hey this is ladies' pic la!!
Lyn just poke the fork in the cake
when told to cut it.. Clearly she
wasn't happy with someone.. OUCH!
when told to cut it.. Clearly she
wasn't happy with someone.. OUCH!
If you happen to see him
on the streets please
direct him to Sembawang Camp!
on the streets please
direct him to Sembawang Camp!
Mann (Shima's fiancee) & B...
Discussion time...
Sheikh again!
What the hell??
The boys...
Top row from left: Hafiz, Jamil, Amin &
Wee Siang
Bottom row from left: Roger, Dennis,
Hakim, Sheikh & Jin Qiang
Wee Siang
Bottom row from left: Roger, Dennis,
Hakim, Sheikh & Jin Qiang
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