Friday, August 17, 2007


I've been tagged by Adeq....
1) Each player must post these rules first.
2) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3) People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight facts and post these rules.
4) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Here are 8 random facts/habits about me:
1) I'm like an administrator stuck in retail line.
2) I like to daydream when alone.
3) I have a queen size bed but only sleep on one half of the bed (the other half has a "Reserved" sign on it!). =)
4) I can eat chicken rice/laksa/mee soto every day! My favourite, what can I say?
5) I cry at the slightest bit of emotionally-charged drama/movie/book.
6) I like to play pranks! BEWARE! =)
7) I wana take up driving licence but I'm afraid to drive! Hah!
8) I wana marry NUR HIZAMI BIN JOHARI!!! That's a proposal, b! *winkz*

I wanna tag these chosen ones : Nana, Fiqah, Wirda, SQ and Hidaya (I don't have that many friends who owns a blog, ok? )


Niwaez, I'm extremely bored (with a capital "B") ok.......................!!!

It's my off day today, and b won't be back till tomorrow...

And guess what?

I'll be working afternoon shift this weekend!!!!

Yes, that's right! TWO BLOODY DAYS OF AFTERNOON on Saturday and Sunday!

Have I got no life or what??


Hold on.....

Just let me sink in this anger of mine, ok?

Till then....


Which means......


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