Friday, April 18, 2008

B's paternal aunt just passed away this evening.. I'm not that familiar with his paternal side but I sure hope that everything's fine..

Anyways, on a much lighter note, tomorrow is Mak's birthday! I've already bought her gift like a few days back and I'm so excited to give it to her tomorrow! I was planning on treating the family to Swenson's but too bad Ayah has to angkat pelamin (his side job).. I can only go after work so there's a lil time conflict going on there.. Now I'm contemplating whether or not to go on with the plan.. *thinks hard*

And oh!

I'll probably make a fool out of myself by telling you guys this but whatever la eh?

So I was surfing the net, looking for the various locations of Swenson's and when I saw that they have an outlet in Bugis, I was trying real hard to recall back the exact place.. That was when I gave up and asked Vivi through msn.. And when she told me that it's just opposite MOS Burger, I was like "DUH???!!!".. How could I forget?? I walk pass Swenson's literally everyday to go to Tong Seng and I can forget where it is! God, I'm getting old or what?? Ok I admit I am... *laughs hysterically*

By the way, I just got to know today that Yai's ghout came back after eating baked beans.. Bik N and family together with Nyai, are now at the clinic coz apparently his ghout is getting much worse than their first visit to the doctor.. I'm praying hard that the ghout doesn't do him any harm..

I don't know why I have a sudden craving for Long John's Silver. Will have that during break tomorrow.. Afterall, every weekends is Long John's Silver day! Wooohoo!


p/s: Thank you all for the suggestions over which bike to get.. B and I have already made our final decision (actually I made the decision).. Just look out for our new Baby in the next couple of months!

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