Went to the lawyer's office this afternoon.. Spent about an hour or so telling her about how the accident happened, what injuries we sustained, and she went on telling us what to expect so on and so forth..
During the discussion, we were quite disheartened to know that the longest time it would take for this case to be brought to court is about six months..
Which means, B has two choices:
1. Go ahead and do up his bike, bit by bit..
2. Go public everywhere he (as a matter of fact, WE) go, wait for 6 miserable months to get his compensation fees (ie if we win the case) THEN do up his bike...
He's got no other choice but to choose the latter..
Actually, I don't really feel like saying much about this case... I'll just update you when the case starts or something like that k?
So today we went PUBLIC! Hooray! After sooo long... I can finally see him face-to-face and vice versa (hence the title.. *smiles*)..
We were so famished after meeting with the lawyer (both didn't eat before going out!) that we went to McD's at Kovan and we got complimentary oreo cheesecake and double chocolate! Thanks Cik Suzi!
Ok now I'm officially tired... Been up the whole freaking day...
Lalaland here I come!
*jumps onto bed*
Oh wait!!! I'm already on the bed!

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