HAPPY BABUJI (dad in hindi) DAY!!!
And look what the babujis got from Nana's family?
Deodorant from (sings the song) "Gatsby.. Gatsby.. Gatsby...!"
Anyways, we celebrated this special occasion at Bik Ani's crib. Almost all the maternal's side was there. Here are some of the pictures taken at her house.
this picture on my handphone. I didn't know that
someone was posing for the camera.. Hah!
her Nintendo.
Then off we went to East Coast Park to join the paternal's side.
dari belakang. Apa cakap?
By the way, on our way back home, there was this grasshopper near the door where I was seated.. The three of us siblings were soo freaked out when it just hopped at us before landing behind the back seat where Mak was seated. Ayah was like screaming at us to stop screaming and Mak finally saved the day by grabbing the grasshopper with layers of tissue! Phew! That was one helluva ride! ;)
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