Can somebody please tell that lady, whose Bysi paper bag got stuck in between the train's door, to just wait patiently for the next freaking train to arrive??
Seriously, I don't understand why some people are just impatient and stubborn enough to try to squeeze their way through into the train when the fact is it's FULLY PACKED...
And you know what I did when that lady's paper bag got stuck? I just gave that kinda face where I was trying very hard not to laugh my ass out! Sensing that the door didn't shut properly, it opened TWICE before that lady pulled her bloody paper bag to safety...
Then I waited for the next train... And just when I thought I was the last person to go in, this fat lady had to push me from behind and refused to move to that empty side which was in between the door (when it's closed, obviously)... So I had to move to that bloody side and tried very hard not to give her a dirty look... Damn you woman! Don't you think it's inappropriate to stand very close to a stranger??
Ok I'm done venting my frustrations...
On a lighter note, have I told you I saw this person who looked exactly like my late paternal grandfather? I was serving this Indonesian customer and the longer I was staring at him, the more he looked like Yai! Same moustache, same lips, same eyes, same build but that guy's tummy was much rounder... :)
Here's a picture of my late paternal grandparents...
On a lighter note, have I told you I saw this person who looked exactly like my late paternal grandfather? I was serving this Indonesian customer and the longer I was staring at him, the more he looked like Yai! Same moustache, same lips, same eyes, same build but that guy's tummy was much rounder... :)
Here's a picture of my late paternal grandparents...

I miss them... :(
And, and!!!
Meet my parents...
My deprived-childhood parents, that is... ;)

Mak, the Tetris addict...
Ayah bought this plug-in video game for
Shukry but guess who I caught playing
early in the morning??
Wah... I'm singing in the rain.....
Ayah, the supposed race car pro...
Guess whatever your age is, there's still a child in you just like my parents...
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