Yesterday was supposed to be a happy day for me but it turned out otherwise...
I was supposed to meet B at 7.45pm, but I dilly-dally for a little while... As mentioned in my earlier post, my intention was to shop, but when I went down to meet B, I didn't feel like shopping anymore.. So I went up again to put my Topshopper bag and brought a smaller bag instead.. I went down again and was complaining to B about the warm weather and he joked that maybe I made too many sins (yeah like you're the good boy here!)... I got on his bike and refused to hold on to him but I did in the end... :)
All the while we were going at a relatively slow speed and I was daydreaming mainly focusing on the surroundings on my left... Just as we passed the bustop at Block 129, that was when the accident happened... B breaked out a sudden and when I turned to my right, I saw this pickup van, which was making a u-turn from the other side, hit the front part of the bike... Before I knew it, I was rolling and landed right on the grass patch... I was moaning in pain and B quickly went up to me, despite having injuries himself... B shouted at the Uncle who drove that pickup and I shouted too coz I was so mad at him! B removed my helmet, called both our parents down and helped me over to the other side of the pavement... There was this passerby who helped us call the ambulance and took down the Uncle's particulars..
Ayah came not long after that and asked whether I was ok... Then Abang Sham breaked so loudly that I thought there'd be another accident... He shouted at the Uncle and demanded that he recount the whole story to him... But all the Uncle could afford to say was, "Wa tau.. Wa pun susah hati tengok blablabla.." I leaned over B's shoulder and cried coz I was shaken by the accident... The ambulance and B's parents finally came and for a moment, I felt so weak that I passed out for awhile... Kak Yati was beside me supporting my body and wiped water all over my face (da macam bomoh, but thanks Kak Yati!)... They layed me down on the stretcher and brought me in the ambulance, B was there too..
When we reached Tan Tock Seng, waiting for our turn to be examined, I couldn't help but cry coz everytime I closed my eyes, the accident kept replaying over and over again... Then Cecilia called me and asked whether I was ok and I was still shaken so I broke down when I told her what happened.. After that she text me: "Baby wati, dun sad sad.. Muz b strong k.."... And I didn't even know which hospital we were admitted to until Mak came and I asked her..
Anyways to make the long story short, we had x-rays done (Alhamdulilah there wasn't any fractures for the both of us), our dressing done (I waited for like forever for the nurse to do my dressing and for a moment I thought she had forgotten about me! After I was done, I heard someone being wheeled on the other side and I asked the nurse whether that person was wearing a black and grey polo... Indeed it was B coz I heard him talking on the phone... And he even joked about the accident.. What the hell??), made payment and collected my medicine (just paracetemol by the way, and lots of it!)... By the time I was done, it was already 11+pm... B was in the observation room till 1+am... But luckily he wasn't admitted, he didn't want to, anyway...
And just today, B told me that that Uncle wants to hire a lawyer coz he said that we were on the right lane and SPEEDING! Well, excuse me?! We were on the left lane (it's a two lane road) and definitely NOT speeding! You were supposed to give way to oncoming vehicle BEFORE you make that bloody decision to u-turn! Bodohnye anjing!
But some part of me still feel a little bit guilty coz if I hadn't gone up to my house just to change that bag, that accident wouldn't have happened... I'm sorry B if I was the cause of this... ;(
Now I know what it feels like to be in your shoes B... All the pain that you suffered... When we were in the dressing room, it hurts so much to see the recovering wounds on your feet get so worse coz of this... But nonetheless, I'm greatful that nothing major happened to the both of us... I LOVE YOU NUR HIZAMI!
A special thanks to those who helped us especially to our family and the passerby... Thanks to those who cared, who texted me on my mobile, msn etc... Thank you Adek for blogging about the incident, not to worry I'm ok... And thank you all so much for the care and concern... Appreciate it alot!
Some pictures taken yesterday... I didn't manage to take pictures of B's wounds, though...
I was supposed to meet B at 7.45pm, but I dilly-dally for a little while... As mentioned in my earlier post, my intention was to shop, but when I went down to meet B, I didn't feel like shopping anymore.. So I went up again to put my Topshopper bag and brought a smaller bag instead.. I went down again and was complaining to B about the warm weather and he joked that maybe I made too many sins (yeah like you're the good boy here!)... I got on his bike and refused to hold on to him but I did in the end... :)
All the while we were going at a relatively slow speed and I was daydreaming mainly focusing on the surroundings on my left... Just as we passed the bustop at Block 129, that was when the accident happened... B breaked out a sudden and when I turned to my right, I saw this pickup van, which was making a u-turn from the other side, hit the front part of the bike... Before I knew it, I was rolling and landed right on the grass patch... I was moaning in pain and B quickly went up to me, despite having injuries himself... B shouted at the Uncle who drove that pickup and I shouted too coz I was so mad at him! B removed my helmet, called both our parents down and helped me over to the other side of the pavement... There was this passerby who helped us call the ambulance and took down the Uncle's particulars..
Ayah came not long after that and asked whether I was ok... Then Abang Sham breaked so loudly that I thought there'd be another accident... He shouted at the Uncle and demanded that he recount the whole story to him... But all the Uncle could afford to say was, "Wa tau.. Wa pun susah hati tengok blablabla.." I leaned over B's shoulder and cried coz I was shaken by the accident... The ambulance and B's parents finally came and for a moment, I felt so weak that I passed out for awhile... Kak Yati was beside me supporting my body and wiped water all over my face (da macam bomoh, but thanks Kak Yati!)... They layed me down on the stretcher and brought me in the ambulance, B was there too..
When we reached Tan Tock Seng, waiting for our turn to be examined, I couldn't help but cry coz everytime I closed my eyes, the accident kept replaying over and over again... Then Cecilia called me and asked whether I was ok and I was still shaken so I broke down when I told her what happened.. After that she text me: "Baby wati, dun sad sad.. Muz b strong k.."... And I didn't even know which hospital we were admitted to until Mak came and I asked her..
Anyways to make the long story short, we had x-rays done (Alhamdulilah there wasn't any fractures for the both of us), our dressing done (I waited for like forever for the nurse to do my dressing and for a moment I thought she had forgotten about me! After I was done, I heard someone being wheeled on the other side and I asked the nurse whether that person was wearing a black and grey polo... Indeed it was B coz I heard him talking on the phone... And he even joked about the accident.. What the hell??), made payment and collected my medicine (just paracetemol by the way, and lots of it!)... By the time I was done, it was already 11+pm... B was in the observation room till 1+am... But luckily he wasn't admitted, he didn't want to, anyway...
And just today, B told me that that Uncle wants to hire a lawyer coz he said that we were on the right lane and SPEEDING! Well, excuse me?! We were on the left lane (it's a two lane road) and definitely NOT speeding! You were supposed to give way to oncoming vehicle BEFORE you make that bloody decision to u-turn! Bodohnye anjing!
But some part of me still feel a little bit guilty coz if I hadn't gone up to my house just to change that bag, that accident wouldn't have happened... I'm sorry B if I was the cause of this... ;(
Now I know what it feels like to be in your shoes B... All the pain that you suffered... When we were in the dressing room, it hurts so much to see the recovering wounds on your feet get so worse coz of this... But nonetheless, I'm greatful that nothing major happened to the both of us... I LOVE YOU NUR HIZAMI!
A special thanks to those who helped us especially to our family and the passerby... Thanks to those who cared, who texted me on my mobile, msn etc... Thank you Adek for blogging about the incident, not to worry I'm ok... And thank you all so much for the care and concern... Appreciate it alot!
Some pictures taken yesterday... I didn't manage to take pictures of B's wounds, though...

I'm still wearing this now... :)

I asked the nurse whether there's
any shops that sells slippers...
And she gave me bedroom slippers!

Just look at my badly damaged Fossil watch!
A gift from Ayah for my 20th birthday!
B I nak jam baru!!!!!! :((((
Gota go now! My back hurts real bad...
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