Fetched Hidayah, who went to Bangkok for 5 days as part of her class excursion at Terminal 3 today... Bik N (ceh like so the very anonymous like that) and family were there as well...
Basically, nothing much happened so I'll just let the pictures do the talking...
(Da malam oi! Hehe...)

Gossip folks...

Full of concentration...

Yes! Touch down!

Yours truly...
No, she did not carry that "No Entry"
sign on her head...

Muka ada senyum! :)

Once she got closer, tears start to well up...
I did too! ;)

Orang belakang korek hidong nampak!
Korek hidong nampak!
ZOOOOM Bangkok!
They really held on to the railing...

Alamak sebok je tudung biru ni.. Tu pasal
gambar dia sorang je blur... :)

Sunflower for ADEK! Hehe...

Giant Hershey's anyone?
By the way, Fitriah didn't look
like she was sitting at all!
Looking forward to tomorrow's off day... I'm in need of a rest from work man!
p/s: Ayah said we might be going Down Under this December holidays! WOOOHOOO! :)
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