Wednesday, January 07, 2009

and then there were three

more days to B's big double 2!

. . .

The day I've been looking forward to wasn't as great as what I had imagined it to be. Was a bit disappointed but oh well, shit happens so till the next date then. *shrugs*

And oh! I've finally bought B's pressies. I'm pretty sure he's gona L.O.V.E 'em! Heh.

Nonetheless, I had a ball (no pun intended) of a time with these two ladies. Our conversations went from Brazilian waxing to blind dates (all real life experiences by Syaz!). So girls next date we'll go to Strip hokay? I mean it! LOL.

By the way, today was Arlene's last day. Wishing you all the best for your O-level results! Now go and think about where and which course you wana take! *hands on hips*

The happy goober who got a stinky bag from us. ;)

Alrighty gotta catch up on my beauty sleep now. Marco called me on my way back home telling me to work morning tomorrow so bye!

p/s My ending is so abrupt right? *giggles*

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