Satisfied our tastebuds for Ben & Jerry's over at Dempsey Road. Yet another place striked out of our must-go list. :)
There's more! Clickity click!
On another "kekek" note, I can't help but type down this conversation I had with B yesterday afternoon. He was on night shift the day before and when he got home in the morning, he texted me to wake him up at 1.30pm so that he could send me to work. And this was how the conversation went.... *giggles*
Me: Hello?
B: *sounded a little fresh* Hello.
Me: You da bangun?
B: Hmm.. Da baru jugak.
(At this point I really thought that he was wide awake)
Me: Ouh.. Da pukol 1.30 tau..
B: Hmmm.............. Alpha ada berapa accuse?
Me: Huh?!
B: Alpha ada berapa accuse?
Me: Huh?? Apa you cakap? I tak dengar.
(I was making sure I heard the right thing.)
B: Alpha ada berapa accuse?
(His voice was really calm and wasn't the least irritated when I repeatly told him to repeat his question)
Me: Huh??????
B: Ah takpela.
Me: Tadi you cakap pe?
B: Alpha ada berapa accuse?
Me: Alpha ada berapa accuse?? You ngigau eh?
You funny sia B!
& coz of that, I love you! ;)
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